- Изготовленные на заказ ботинки или ботинки шириной AA, B, D, E и Black (с опозданием на 60/90 дней) не могут быть отменены или возвращены после заказа.
- Свяжитесь с нами, чтобы узнать о наличии или запланированной дате доставки любого товара.
Мы работаем с понедельника по пятницу с 9:00 до 13:30 и с 17:00 до 20:00, по субботам с 9:00 до 13:30, воскресенье и праздничные дни закрыты.
Neutralized, balanced, focused and correction supports using templates
This service is free with the purchase of complete level Elite skates.
Neutralized, balanced, focused and correction supports using templates.
Store Service that involves the presence of the skater.
Service consists of:
Skate focused and balanced, correct assembly skate to the boot depending on the athlete's physical carasteristicas using special devices.
Custom templates for thermoformed homogeneously distribute the weight of the skater and skate boot. The templates are made of a special material that absorbs shocks and forces you download skater and weights on a regular basis to avoid injuries and pain in the feet and spine.
Thermoforming of insoles involves making a mold of the feet of athletes is performed "in situ". Time 30 minutes.
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Neutralized, balanced, focused and correction supports using templates
This service is free with the purchase of complete level Elite skates.